If you click here you can find a free printable of the Litany to the Blessed Host. Join now for instant access to Aprils 100 pages of printables and resources plus youll have access to printables for May in your first month. Pin On Sacrament Coloring Pages Mixing the yellow and blue to make green was really fun for my preschoolers as well. . Jesus Met the Woman at the Well. Get started by clicking on a card then follow the template. Ash Wednesday is the beginning of the 40 days of lent in the Christian religion. It marks a holy day to start the tradition of repentance prayer and fasting. All our Printable Valentines Day Cards are yours at no cost and you can personalize your favorite fast and easy. I love how this reveals a part of the prayer each time a part is folded back and that it folds out into the shamrock shape. Its FREE and you. Mass Prep Coloring Page Beginning Readers Worksheet Mass Prep Quiz Ma...